Our patient participation group is known as Wells Health Centre Patient Participation Group (WHCPPG). It is open to all patients and staff of the practice.
We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please read our PPG constitution before registering.
David Woolgar is the current chairman and can be contacted on 01328 710542 or email [email protected]. The objectives of the group are to promote the benefit of the patients of the practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions by encouraging development and quality of health promotion and health care services.
This aim will be achieved by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, health authorities and other persons/organisations concerned with health care.
Members of the group will act as a communication channel between the practice team and the community in order to help patients use the facilities to the best advantage and for the practice to consider for implementation policies influenced by representative patient views, not personal views.
Areas not covered by the WHCPPG are finances, staff employment and disciplinary, management procedures and complaints from patients (which should be directed to the practice via the complaints procedure).
Minutes of PPG meetings are available on the PPG notice board in the surgery.
The group undertakes patient surveys to determine the views of patients. Patient survey results are published on this website.